Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic

Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic
book cover

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Reader's respond

I just found this on tumblr. As I don't know the person who wrote it-did not put a name with the quote . . .
Reading the new book, "Rampage: the pathology of an epidemic"
It’s by Gwynne Hunt and it is basically a book about a list.  Specifically, the Femicide List.  Gwynne Hunt took over the task of compiling a list of all the murdered/missing women across Canada (and children, as well, eventually) from Mary Billy in, approximately, 2005.
In “Rampage” she gives the reader a list of names, one letter list per chapter, and offers comments and stories about her experiences putting the list together, organizing marches, and, most commonly, about the victims listed.  I’m only on the “third” chapter (letter C) so it’s not very far in at all…  But already I think this is a worthwhile read.  Even if it’s painful.
뿐 구조적인 불평등과 폭력에 문제제기는 못 한다는 사실이 갑갑하고, 어떻게든 이런 제약을 타파할 길을 찾고 
Hi Gwynne

I just finished reading Rampage and I have to say I think you did a hell of a job on it. I know you got started on the 'List' thanks to Mary Billy but I have to say I thought the way you formatted the names in the book made it easier to digest the sad content. I am sorry as hell for the women who have been murdered and or disappeared. I am sorry that you have this enormous responsibility of trying to record these terrible events but I wanted you to know I am grateful for the truth of what goes on in our big back yard of a country. My words are small and may not reach many ears but I will keep writing and trying to bring the issue to light.
Your book is HUGE and I know you will keep the faith. Your book, your work, is amazing and I have the utmost respect for everything you do. You are brave and strong and wise and don't forget how pivotal this work will be to effecting change. Just hang in there, you and Mary will see, I know it!

much love Shelley
(Shelley Haggard-poet-Mission, BC)

Hi Gwynne,
Got the book yesterday and read it cover to cover. Other than too much Mary Billy, it's a terrific thing you've done. It brings it all back, that deep, deep hurt to the heart at the violent nature of these murders. Such hatred against women, it boggles the mind. And makes me think there is something much deeper going on. I wonder what that is?
Thanks again for this huge effort. You must be proud. I hope you are. None of us can fix it alone, but each step each of us takes counts in the overall solution, or at least betterment of treatment of women. Not to say that we don't still have a long, long way to go.
I hope this book gets the exposure it so deserves. Stay in touch and let me know how it goes, okay?
(Mary Billy-poet-activist-Squamish, BC)

Hi Gwynne:

I rec'd your book yesterday and read it from front to back last p.m.  You
did a great job and I commend you for your tenacity. I certainly identified
when you mentioned how mentally exhausting it is to maintain the list and
try hard not to internalize how tragic these senseless deaths are.  I now
realize why at times, I just can't open the file and begin new postings.
Also, we are on the same page where our thinking is concerned.  I agree that
we need both genders to speak against the violence and male bashing solves
Thank you so much for allowing me to contribute to your book. 
I have recommended to a couple of people to send away for it.

(Barbara Mills-activist-Toronto, ON)

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