Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic

Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic
book cover

Monday 25 April 2011

One person at a time . . .

My book was released on March 19, 2011
Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic
I am currently working on finding ways to present my book and to continue my work to help end violence against women and children. Visit my new blog spots & my original website http://www.ragmag.net/
Check out a great site  http://www.humanmade.net/
They posted my book info on there. I also have a new blog to check out.
If you know of a group who would like to have me speak, give me a call . . .please forward on the blog info to people who may be interested (let's stay connected)and send the press release below out to others who share a common  bond of wanting to end violence and see the world for women a better place.  We can change the world one person at a time.
Gwynne Hunt

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