Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic

Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic
book cover

Monday, 25 April 2011

One person at a time . . .

My book was released on March 19, 2011
Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic
I am currently working on finding ways to present my book and to continue my work to help end violence against women and children. Visit my new blog spots & my original website http://www.ragmag.net/
Check out a great site  http://www.humanmade.net/
They posted my book info on there. I also have a new blog to check out.
If you know of a group who would like to have me speak, give me a call . . .please forward on the blog info to people who may be interested (let's stay connected)and send the press release below out to others who share a common  bond of wanting to end violence and see the world for women a better place.  We can change the world one person at a time.
Gwynne Hunt

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Reader's respond

I just found this on tumblr. As I don't know the person who wrote it-did not put a name with the quote . . .
Reading the new book, "Rampage: the pathology of an epidemic"
It’s by Gwynne Hunt and it is basically a book about a list.  Specifically, the Femicide List.  Gwynne Hunt took over the task of compiling a list of all the murdered/missing women across Canada (and children, as well, eventually) from Mary Billy in, approximately, 2005.
In “Rampage” she gives the reader a list of names, one letter list per chapter, and offers comments and stories about her experiences putting the list together, organizing marches, and, most commonly, about the victims listed.  I’m only on the “third” chapter (letter C) so it’s not very far in at all…  But already I think this is a worthwhile read.  Even if it’s painful.
뿐 구조적인 불평등과 폭력에 문제제기는 못 한다는 사실이 갑갑하고, 어떻게든 이런 제약을 타파할 길을 찾고 
Hi Gwynne

I just finished reading Rampage and I have to say I think you did a hell of a job on it. I know you got started on the 'List' thanks to Mary Billy but I have to say I thought the way you formatted the names in the book made it easier to digest the sad content. I am sorry as hell for the women who have been murdered and or disappeared. I am sorry that you have this enormous responsibility of trying to record these terrible events but I wanted you to know I am grateful for the truth of what goes on in our big back yard of a country. My words are small and may not reach many ears but I will keep writing and trying to bring the issue to light.
Your book is HUGE and I know you will keep the faith. Your book, your work, is amazing and I have the utmost respect for everything you do. You are brave and strong and wise and don't forget how pivotal this work will be to effecting change. Just hang in there, you and Mary will see, I know it!

much love Shelley
(Shelley Haggard-poet-Mission, BC)

Hi Gwynne,
Got the book yesterday and read it cover to cover. Other than too much Mary Billy, it's a terrific thing you've done. It brings it all back, that deep, deep hurt to the heart at the violent nature of these murders. Such hatred against women, it boggles the mind. And makes me think there is something much deeper going on. I wonder what that is?
Thanks again for this huge effort. You must be proud. I hope you are. None of us can fix it alone, but each step each of us takes counts in the overall solution, or at least betterment of treatment of women. Not to say that we don't still have a long, long way to go.
I hope this book gets the exposure it so deserves. Stay in touch and let me know how it goes, okay?
(Mary Billy-poet-activist-Squamish, BC)

Hi Gwynne:

I rec'd your book yesterday and read it from front to back last p.m.  You
did a great job and I commend you for your tenacity. I certainly identified
when you mentioned how mentally exhausting it is to maintain the list and
try hard not to internalize how tragic these senseless deaths are.  I now
realize why at times, I just can't open the file and begin new postings.
Also, we are on the same page where our thinking is concerned.  I agree that
we need both genders to speak against the violence and male bashing solves
Thank you so much for allowing me to contribute to your book. 
I have recommended to a couple of people to send away for it.

(Barbara Mills-activist-Toronto, ON)

<a href="http://www.addme.com/submission/free-submission-start.php%22%3ESearch Engine Submission - AddMe</a>

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Every year 160-200 women are killed in Canada. We know about 100 children are murdered every year as well. What are we doing about it?
Do you even know what is going on in your back yard? next door?  What about in your own house? Do you use derogatory language when talking about women, allow sexist video games in your home, tell blonde jokes?
We have to change our language and the way we talk about women, the way we label them, dissect them and demean them.  I've spent the last six years working on The List of 4,000 missing and murdered women and children in Canada-3 years on my newly released book Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic. For five years now we have been doing the Memory March-a walk/vigil to honour the women and children. But for many years before that I have worked in my own way to help ease the violence against women by doing Spirit to Heal workshops, producing plays with an anti-violence message and by my other writings.
I would love to come to your group meeting, your club, organization or event and speak about the issues we are facing and how we can change the way we think, how we can make a difference.
Contact me at gwynne1@telus.net to book a time.  We can change the world one person at a time.

I am available to do presentations about the research I did for the last six years in order to write the book Rampage;the pathology of an epidemic. It all began innocently enough---I had just finished my play Missing (toured lower mainland, fraser valley and Vancouver) and was researching for a new play. I wanted to write about the Highway of Tears. Missing is about Verna Bjerky who vanished from Hope, BC in 1981 and about the women who went missing from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
I realized that there was no list of missing and murdered women and children. Nobody was keeping track. I've always been a ferret when it comes to digging deeper and nosing around---I ended it up discovering a book called The Femicide List that was sitting on a shelf at Simon Fraser Library Archives written by Mary Billy from Squamish, BC.  I had heard of Mary who published a feminist magazine in the 1990s called Herspectives.
I called Mary, got a copy of her List of 1, 875 names and that is how it all began. I hae worked on The List for 6 years now-adding names as I research and discover new names. Most date back to 1989 after the Montreal Masscare but as I found names I put them on The List even if they were from the 60s or 70s. It didn't matter when they were killed or went missing, the idea had already begun to have a yearly Memory March to honour and inform.
We held the first one five years ago in Vancouver and the last one in 2011 we held in Abbotsford. Three years ago I was so amazed by the people that I met while working on The List; grassroots workers who cared and were keeping their own smaller lists, working on policy changes, public awareness, but all united by the passion to end violence against women and children, that I decided to write a book.  The book is about that journey.
Rampage: the pathology of an epidemic is about a lot more-compelling and interesting, it tells many stories and discusses some of the roadblocks.  I wish I could say there were answers but I have not found one answer; many solutions that should be taken but no real answer.
To order the book email me at gwynne1@telus.net
$22 plus HST and shipping=$29.64
If you would like me to speak at an event, workshop, gathering . . .let me know. This is my life's work.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Rampage:the pathology of an epidemic

I am a publisher of small poetry chapbooks, memoirs, social activism books and cookbooks. As a writer, creative writing teacher and as a playwright, I offer all editing and writing services.
"Rampage; the pathology of an epidemic" is my new book. The cover is a painting by Kristen Hunt-Jones and winner of the People's Choice award for a 2010 Amnesty International fundraiser event in Vancouver.
On March 19th, ‘Rampage; the pathology of an epidemic’ written by Gwynne Hunt (me) was released at the International Celebration of Women in Abbotsford. The book is my personal journey over the last six years working on the book and the Memory March (a walk/vigil honouring over 4,000 missing and murdered women and children in Canada). It includes interviews with grassroots' workers she met. There are a lot of individual, concerned people who work to end violence against women. One of those women is Mary Billy, a writer and activist in Squamish. There are interviews, case stories and conversations with family member’s who have lost loved ones. The book is not about how we are going to end the violence but an examination of the problems, concerns and stereotypical thinking that keeps us trapped in a cycle of violence. Included are the names of 4,000 missing and murdered women and children that have been compiled for The List.
The book archives the struggles of grassroots' workers who actively try to raise awareness and focus a light on the violence against women. Domestic violence accounts for most of the murders but media tends to focus on ethnic groups and women at risk. All women are at risk and it is time society stood up united to end the violence.